Metacaulk SAS 90 Through Penetration
Metacaulk SAS 90 Linear Joint
DESCRIPTION: High-quality sealing compound comprised of acrylic latex essential for non-fire-rated penetrations and joints in achieving and maintaining the required Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating for airborne sound and preventing the passage of smoke and toxic gases in smoke barrier partitions, as required by the IBC.
PERFORMANCE: Tested in accordance with ASTM E90, ASTM E84, ASTM C834, ASTM C919, ASTM G21; Low VOC content; meets LEED V4 Emissions requirements; STC rating 62
Metacaulk SAS 90 Through Penetration
Metacaulk SAS 90 Linear Joint
DESCRIPTION: General-use, single-component, intumescent sealant and smoke seal for construction joints & through-penetrations. Cures to elastomeric seal suited to dynamic motion.
PERFORMANCE: UL Classified system rated for up to 4 hrs; tested in accordance with ASTM E814 (UL 1479), ASTM E1966 (UL 2079), ASTM E1399, ASTM C834, ASTM E90 and CAN/ULC-S115; tested by a third party independent laboratory to the ASTM G21 standard with Fungal Growth Rating results of zero; VOC compliant (CDPH Standard Method v1.2); complies to Required Environmental Exposure Testing of Accelerated Aging and High Humidity as per UL 1479 Fire Test of Through-Penetration Firestops; STC Rating 62
DESCRIPTION: High-grade acrylic latex sealant that permanently seals non-rated through-penetrations, membrane openings, and static & dynamic joints in smoke & sound-rated assemblies, impeding the transfer of sound.
PERFORMANCE: Tested in accordance with ASTM E834 and ASTM E90; VOC compliant (CDPH Standard Method v1.2); tested by a third party independent laboratory to the ASTM G21 standard with Fungal Growth Rating results of zero; meets LEED criteria under Environmental Air Quality and Regional Materials; STC rating 69; Compliant with the Buy America Act
DESCRIPTION: Compressible sound protection foam for building assemblies (all 1 & 2 hr gypsum wallboard assemblies) in head-of-wall, wall-to-wall and bottom-of-wall joint applications both static and dynamic.
DESCRIPTION: All-purpose, heat-expanding sealant for construction joints and through-penetrations.
PERFORMANCE: UL Classified system up to 4 hrs; tested in accordance with ASTM E814 (UL 1479), ASTM E1966 (UL 2079), ASTM C834, ASTM E1399, ASTM E90, and CAN/ULC-S115; VOC compliant (CDPH Standard Method v1.2); tested by a third party independent laboratory to the ASTM G21 standard with Fungal Growth Rating results of zero; STC rating 65
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